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A gem for caching HTTP responses.

The gem was built with an idea to implement a class which will create options for ActionController::ConditionalGet#stale? method, without caring of type of object class.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'stale_options'

And then execute:


Or install it yourself as:

gem install stale_options


There are three main classes, each class is designed to create options for the corresponding object class:

  • StaleOptions::ArrayOptions - For caching Arrays.
  • StaleOptions::RelationOptions - For caching relations ActiveRecord::Relation.
  • StaleOptions::ObjectOptions - For caching any other objects.

There is also base class StaleOptions::AbstractOptions. Constructor of these classes looks like:

def initialize(record, options = {})
  • record - Basically any Ruby object. Arrays and relations are "specials".
  • options - Hash. Caching options (see detailed description in corresponding section).

Here is the very basic example of usage:

[1] pry(main)> options =
[2] pry(main)> options.to_h
=> {:etag=>"39f08c583b023142dd64b0922dfaefd4", :last_modified=>2018-07-04 18:05:22 UTC}

In order to help create different classes of StaleOptions for different objects there is method StaleOptions.create, so above example can be rewritten like:

[3] pry(main)> StaleOptions.create(Item.all)
=> {:etag=>"39f08c583b023142dd64b0922dfaefd4", :last_modified=>2018-07-04 18:05:22 UTC}

And this is the way how you'll use it in most cases :)

Caching options

There are two options for caching:

  • :cache_by
    • String or Symbol. A name of method which returns unique identifier of object for caching.
    • For arrays and relations if value is itself, then it will be cached "as it is" (relations will be converted to arrays by calling #to_a), otherwise this method will be called on each element. Hint: To cache arrays of "simple" objects (e.g. String or Numeric) set it to itself.
    • Default: :updated_at.
  • :last_modified
    • String or Symbol. A name of method which returns an instance of ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone, DateTime, Time.
    • If record is a relation, then an attribute name.
    • If record is an Array or Object, then a method name.
    • ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone, DateTime, Time or nil to set :last_modified.
    • Default: :updated_at.


[1] pry(main)> StaleOptions.create(Task.all, last_modified: :done_at)
=> {:etag=>"ce8d2fbc9b815937b59e8815d8a85c21", :last_modified=>2018-06-30 18:25:07 UTC}

[2] pry(main)> StaleOptions.create([1, 2, 3], cache_by: :itself, last_modified: nil)
=> {:etag=>"73250e72da5d8950b6bbb16044353d26", :last_modified=>nil}

[3] pry(main)> StaleOptions.create({ a: 'a', b: 'b', c: 'c' }, cache_by: :itself, last_modified:
=> {:etag=>"fec76eca1192bc7371e44d517b56c93f", :last_modified=>2018-07-08 07:08:48 UTC}

Controller helpers

In your controller:

# To render a template:

class PostsController < ApplicationController
  include StaleOptions::Backend

  def index
    if_stale?(Post.all) do |posts|
      @posts = posts

# Or, to render json:

class PostsController < ApplicationController
  include StaleOptions::Backend

  def index
    if_stale?(Post.all) do |posts|
      render json: posts

Here we're using method #if_stale? (there is also #unless_stale? btw) which was added to controller by including StaleOptions::Backend module. The method accepts two arguments record and options (yeah, just like StaleOptions.create).

Under the hood it calls ActionController::ConditionalGet#stale? with options created by StaleOptions.create:

def if_stale?(record, options = {})
  yield(record) if stale?(StaleOptions.create(record, options))


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.