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A small ruby gem to help you test a website's SSL certificate.

gem 'ssl-test'


Simply call the SSLTest.test method and it'll return 3 values:

  1. the validity of the certificate
  2. the error message (if any)
  3. the certificate itself

Example with good cert:

valid, error, cert = SSLTest.test ""
valid # => true
error # => nil
cert # => #<OpenSSL::X509::Certificate...>

Example with bad certificate:

valid, error, cert = SSLTest.test ""
valid # => false
error # => "error code 10: certificate has expired"
cert # => #<OpenSSL::X509::Certificate...>

If the request fails and we're unable to detemine the validity, here are the returned values:

valid, error, cert = SSLTest.test ""
valid # => nil
error # => "SSL certificate test failed: getaddrinfo: Name or service not known"
cert # => nil

You can also pass custom timeout values:

valid, error, cert = SSLTest.test "", open_timeout: 2, read_timeout: 2
valid # => nil
error # => "SSL certificate test failed: execution expired"
cert # => nil

Default timeout values are 5 seconds each (open and read)

How it works

SSLTester simply performs a HEAD request using ruby net/https library and verifies the SSL status. It also hooks into the validation process to intercept the raw certificate for you.

What kind of errors will SSLTest detect

Pretty much the same errors curl will:

  • Expired certificates
  • Incomplete certificate chain (missing intermediary)
  • Self signed certificates
  • Valid certs used with incorect hostname
  • Untrusted root (if your system is up-to-date)
  • And more...

GOTCHA: errors SSLTest will NOT detect

There is a spefic kind or error this code will NOT detect: revoked certificates. This is much more complex to handle because it needs an up to date database of revoked certs to check with. This is implemented in most modern browsers but the results vary greatly (chrome ignores this for example).

Here is an example of website with a revoked certificate:

Any contribution to add this feature is greatly appreciated :)


  1. Fork it ([my-github-username]/ssl-test/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request