This is SquareGraph.

-n a graph is an abstract representation of a set of objects where some pairs of objects are connected by links. A square of these means that it’s a graph where the maximum number of edges adjoining any object is 4.

This tool is an easier way of working with 2d arrays

How to Install

You can download directly from with the simple command (and it’ll install too!):

$ gem install square_graph

Or you can compile the project yourself (options to install inside rake):

$ git clone [email protected]:D4L/squareGraph.git
... blah blah pull stuff ...
$ rake build_gem

How to Use

Yay, you have the gem now! Now you can include this in your projects.

Initiate a SquareGraph:

sgWithoutDimensions =
sgWithDimensions =, y)

Fill in faces!


Have fun!


Released under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for further details.


Austin.L ~D4L

noli umquam oblivisci: cogito ergo sum