Class: Sprinkle::Installers::Brew

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The Homebrew package installer uses the brew command to install packages on OSX.

Example Usage

package :magic_beans do
  description "Beans beans they're good for your heart..."
  brew 'ntp'

  verify { has_brew 'ntp' }


Instance Attribute Summary

Attributes inherited from PackageInstaller


Attributes inherited from Installer

#delivery, #options, #package, #post, #pre

Method Summary

Methods inherited from PackageInstaller

auto_api, #initialize, #install_package

Methods inherited from Installer

#announce, api, #commands_from_block, #defer, #escape_shell_arg, inherited, #initialize, #install_sequence, #method_missing, #per_host?, #post_process, #process, subclasses, verify_api

Methods included from Sudo

#sudo?, #sudo_cmd, #sudo_stack

Methods included from Attributes

#defaults, #set_defaults

Constructor Details

This class inherits a constructor from Sprinkle::Installers::PackageInstaller

Dynamic Method Handling

This class handles dynamic methods through the method_missing method in the class Sprinkle::Installers::Installer