Spree Extension: Simple Product Translations

This extension allows you to translate product details on an intuitive way based on tabs. Currently it will load tabs for all locales in I18n.available_locales.


In your Gemfile you just add:

gem 'spree_simple_product_translations'

Then install the gem:

bundle install

Then copy the migrations and assets to your spree application:

rake spree_product_translations:install
rake spree_simple_product_translations:install

Finally migrate your database:

rake db:migrate

If you have pre-existing data, you'll need to run this rake task:

rake spree:extensions:product_translations:globalize_legacy_data

Open issues

In the current version of Globalize3 there is an issue with fallbacks. When you add new translations in the forms, but leave some of them blank, they won't fall back to the default locale. This is because Globalize3 only loads fallbacks when the values are nil. Because of the way Rails handles these attributes, they will be stored as blank strings into the database.

If you are using the fallbacks, you might want to use my fork of Globalize3 in your Gemfile until it gets merged into Globalize3's master branch:

gem 'globalize3', :git => 'git://github.com/jeroenj/globalize3.git'

For those interested, you can follow the pull request here.

To add in future releases

  • Add form to:
    • Prototype
    • Taxonomy
  • Tests
  • Configuration option for which locales te load
  • Better design?


Feel free to fork this project and provide with any necesary patches. Tests are welcome too.

Copyright (c) 2011 Jeroen Jacobs, released under the New BSD License