Spreadsheet Architect

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Spreadsheet Architect is a library that allows you to create XLSX, ODS, or CSV spreadsheets easily from ActiveRecord relations, Plain Ruby classes, or predefined data.

Key Features:

  • Can generate headers & columns from ActiveRecord column_names, or a Class/Model's spreadsheet_columns method, or one creation with 2D array of data
  • Plain Ruby support
  • Plain from ActiveRecord relations or Ruby Objects from models ActiveRecord, or 2d Array Data
  • Easily style headers and rows
  • Model/Class or Project specific defaults
  • Simple to use ActionController renderers

Spreadsheet Architect adds the following methods:

# Rails ActiveRecord Model
Post.order(name: :asc).where(published: true).to_xlsx
Post.order(name: :asc).where(published: true).to_ods
Post.order(name: :asc).where(published: true).to_csv

# Plain Ruby Class
Post.to_xlsx(instances: posts_array)
Post.to_ods(instances: posts_array)
Post.to_csv(instances: posts_array)

# One Time Usage
headers = ['Col 1','Col 2','Col 3']
data = [[1,2,3], [4,5,6], [7,8,9]]
SpreadsheetArchitect.to_xlsx(data: data, headers: headers)
SpreadsheetArchitect.to_ods(data: data, headers: headers)
SpreadsheetArchitect.to_csv(data: data, header: false)

# These return a ruby object that can be further manipulated
# These methods may also be used on models/classes
SpreadsheetArchitect.to_axlsx('package', {data: data, headers: headers})
SpreadsheetArchitect.to_axlsx('sheet', {data: data, headers: headers})
SpreadsheetArchitect.to_rodf_spreadsheet(data: data, headers: headers)


gem install spreadsheet_architect

Class/Model Setup


class Post < ActiveRecord::Base #activerecord not required
  include SpreadsheetArchitect

  belongs_to :author
  belongs_to :category
  has_many :tags

  #optional for activerecord classes, defaults to the models column_names
  def spreadsheet_columns

    #[[Label, Method/Statement to Call on each Instance, Cell Type(optional)]....]
      ['Title', :title],
      ['Content', content],
      ['Author', (author.name rescue nil)],
      ['Published?', (published ? 'Yes' : 'No')],
      ['Published At', :published_at],
      ['# of Views', :number_of_views],
      ['Rating', :rating],
      ['Category/Tags', "#{category.name} - #{tags.collect(&:name).join(', ')}"]

    # OR if you want to use the method or attribute name as a label it must be a symbol ex. "Title", "Content", "Published"
    [:title, :content, :published]

    # OR a Combination of Both ex. "Title", "Content", "Author Name", "Published"
    [:title, :content, ['Author Name',(author.name rescue nil)], :published]


Method 1: Controller (for Rails)

class PostsController < ActionController::Base
  respond_to :html, :xlsx, :ods, :csv

  # Using respond_with
  def index
    @posts = Post.order(published_at: :asc)

    respond_with @posts

  # Using respond_with with custom options
  def index
    @posts = Post.order(published_at: :asc)

    if ['xlsx','ods','csv'].include?(request.format)
      respond_with @posts.to_xlsx(row_style: {bold: true}), filename: 'Posts'
      respond_with @posts

  # Using responders
  def index
    @posts = Post.order(published_at: :asc)

    respond_to do |format|
      format.xlsx { render xlsx: @posts }
      format.ods { render ods: @posts }
      format.csv{ render csv: @posts }

  # Using responders with custom options
  def index
    @posts = Post.order(published_at: :asc)

    respond_to do |format|
      format.xlsx { render xlsx: @posts.to_xlsx(headers: false) }
      format.ods { render ods: Post.to_odf(instances: @posts) }
      format.csv{ render csv: @posts.to_csv(headers: false), file_name: 'articles' }

Method 2: Save to a file manually

# Ex. with ActiveRecord realtion
File.open('path/to/file.xlsx') do |f|
  f.write{ Post.order(published_at: :asc).to_xlsx }
File.open('path/to/file.ods') do |f|
  f.write{ Post.order(published_at: :asc).to_ods }
File.open('path/to/file.csv') do |f|
  f.write{ Post.order(published_at: :asc).to_csv }

# Ex. with plain ruby class
File.open('path/to/file.xlsx') do |f|
  f.write{ Post.to_xlsx(instances: posts_array) }

# Ex. One time Usage
File.open('path/to/file.xlsx') do |f|
  headers = ['Col 1','Col 2','Col 3']
  data = [[1,2,3], [4,5,6], [7,8,9]]
  f.write{ SpreadsheetArchitect::to_xlsx(data: data, headers: headers) }

Method & Options

.to_xlsx - (on custom class/model)

Option Type Default Notes
spreadsheet_columns Array AR Model column_names Required if spreadsheet_columns not defined on class except with ActiveRecord models which default to the column_names method. Will override models spreadsheet_columns method
instances Array Required for Non-ActiveRecord classes Array of class/model instances.
headers Boolean true Pass false to skip the header row.
sheet_name String Class name
header_style Hash {background_color: "AAAAAA", color: "FFFFFF", align: :center, font_name: 'Arial', font_size: 10, bold: false, italic: false, underline: false}
row_style Hash {background_color: nil, color: "FFFFFF", align: :left, font_name: 'Arial', font_size: 10, bold: false, italic: false, underline: false, number_format_code: nil} Styles for non-header rows.

.to_ods - (on custom class/model)

Option Type Default Notes
spreadsheet_columns Array AR Model column_names Required if spreadsheet_columns not defined on class except with ActiveRecord models which default to the column_names method. Will override models spreadsheet_columns method
instances Array Required for Non-ActiveRecord classes Array of class/model instances.
headers Boolean true Pass false to skip the header row.
sheet_name String Class name
header_style Hash {color: "000000", align: :center, font_size: 10, bold: true} Note: Currently only supports these options (values can be changed though)
row_style Hash {color: "000000", align: :left, font_size: 10, bold: false} Styles for non-header rows. Currently only supports these options (values can be changed though)

.to_csv - (on custom class/model)

Option Type Default Notes
spreadsheet_columns Array AR Model column_names Required if spreadsheet_columns not defined on class except with ActiveRecord models which default to the column_names method. Will override models spreadsheet_columns method
instances Array Required for Non-ActiveRecord classes Array of class/model instances.
headers Boolean true Pass false to skip the header row.


Option Type Default Notes
data Array Required 2D Array of data for the non-header row cells.
headers Array false 2D Array of data for the header rows cells. Pass false to skip the header row.
sheet_name String SpreadsheetArchitect
header_style Hash {background_color: "AAAAAA", color: "FFFFFF", align: :center, font_name: 'Arial', font_size: 10, bold: false, italic: false, underline: false}
row_style Hash {background_color: nil, color: "FFFFFF", align: :left, font_name: 'Arial', font_size: 10, bold: false, italic: false, underline: false, number_format_code: nil} Styles for non-header rows.


Option Type Default Notes
data Array Required 2D Array of data for the non-header row cells.
headers Array false 2D Array of data for the header rows cells. Pass false to skip the header row.
sheet_name String SpreadsheetArchitect
header_style Hash {color: "000000", align: :center, font_size: 10, bold: true} Note: Currently only supports these options (values can be changed though)
row_style Hash {color: "000000", align: :left, font_size: 10, bold: false} Styles for non-header rows. Currently only supports these options (values can be changed though)


Option Type Default Notes
data Array Required 2D Array of data for the non-header row cells.
headers Array false 2D Array of data for the header rows cells. Pass false to skip the header row.

Change model default method options

class Post
  include SpreadsheetArchitect

  def spreadsheet_columns
    [:name, :content]

    headers: true,
    header_style: {background_color: 'AAAAAA', color: 'FFFFFF', align: :center, font_name: 'Arial', font_size: 10, bold: false, italic: false, underline: false},
    row_style: {background_color: nil, color: 'FFFFFF', align: :left, font_name: 'Arial', font_size: 10, bold: false, italic: false, underline: false},
    sheet_name: self.name

Change project wide default method options

# config/initializers/spreadsheet_architect.rb

SpreadsheetArchitect.module_eval do
  const_set('SPREADSHEET_OPTIONS', {
    headers: true,
    header_style: {background_color: 'AAAAAA', color: 'FFFFFF', align: :center, font_name: 'Arial', font_size: 10, bold: false, italic: false, underline: false},
    row_style: {background_color: nil, color: 'FFFFFF', align: :left, font_name: 'Arial', font_size: 10, bold: false, italic: false, underline: false},
    sheet_name: 'My Project Export'

Format all numbers, money, or currency in xlsx only

Unfortunately so far I have only been successful in applying the format_code to all numbers in the entire spreadsheet.

# Ex. dollar sign, comma's, and minumum two decimal places
Product.to_xlsx(headers: headers, data: data, number_format_code: "$#,##0.00")


Would love for any help with new features for this projects. Some desired features are:

  • More ODS style options
  • Apply format codes to only certain columns (xlsx)
  • Add Columns styles (xlsx & ods)
  • Create multiple sheets (xlsx & ods)


Created by Weston Ganger - @westonganger

Heavily influenced by the dead gem acts_as_xlsx by @randym but adapted to work for more spreadsheet types and plain ruby models.

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