
A simple helper for Splynx API based on REST Client.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'splynx_api'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install splynx_api


Get your API data from /admin/administration/api-keys.

Before use the API please check your API permissions.

require 'splynx_api'

api = SplynxApi::Api.new({
  :base_url => '<protocol>://<domain>',
  :key => 'Your Splynx Api key',
  :secret => 'Your Splynx Api secret',
  :verify_ssl => false

# Get list of all locations
response = api.get('/admin/administration/locations')

puts response.code
puts response.body

SplynxApi::Api reference


  • :base_url - Splynx url with protocol
  • :key - Splynx Api key
  • :secret - Splynx Api secret
  • :verify_ssl - Enable verify ssl (Default: true)

Create new instance of Api

get(uri, id)

  • uri - Required
  • id - Optional

Get list of models. Optionally, an id may be provided to retrieve one a model.

Returned RestClient::Response or error object.

post(uri, params)

  • uri - Required
  • params - Required

Create new model with provided attributes value. Returned RestClient::Response or error object.


# Create new location named "My Location"
response = api.post('/admin/administration/locations', {
  'name' => 'My Location'

put(uri, id, params)

  • uri - Required
  • id - Required
  • params - Required

Update existing model.

Returned RestClient::Response or error object.


# Rename location with id 1 to "Updated Location"
response = api.put('/admin/administration/locations', 1, {
  'name' => 'My Location'

search(uri, params)

  • uri - Required
  • params - Required

Search model by custom parameters.

Returned RestClient::Response or error object.


# Search location with name "Updated Location"
response = api.search('/admin/administration/locations', {
  'main_attributes' => {
    'name' => 'Updated Location'

delete(uri, id)

  • uri - Required
  • id - Required

Delete model by id.

Returned RestClient::Response or error object.


# Delete location with id 1
response = api.delete('/admin/administration/locations', 1)

How to get administrator information

Set session hash property for get administrator information in next request.


api.sash = 'Your session hash'

puts api.administrator

# Returned:
#  :id => 'Admin ID',
#  :role => 'Admin role',
#  :partner => 'Admin partner ID'


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on Bitbucket at https://bitbucket.org/splynx/splynx-ruby-api.