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(Spider|Tor) A tool to redirect all your local traffic to the Tor network.


Spior is cryptographically signed, so add my public key (if you haven’t already) as a trusted certificate.

$ gem cert --add <(curl -Ls https://raw.githubusercontent.com/szorfein/spior/master/certs/szorfein.pem)

And install the gem:

$ gem install spior -P MediumSecurity

Or user wide (Spior will use sudo, doas will be supported in next release)

$ gem install --user-install spior


Spior use iptables and tor, which can be installed with (if your distro is supported):

$ spior --install


$ spior -h


Redirect traffic through TOR:

$ spior --tor

Change your ip address by reloading the TOR circuit:

$ spior --reload

Look informations about your current ip address:

$ spior --status

Return to clearnet navigation

$ spior --clearnet

Left Over


When you enable the --persist mode, Spior try to block ipv6 with sysctl. It can fail on some system, so you may need to manually disable ipv6 via kernel argument.
An exemple with GRUB, edit /etc/default/grub.cfg and change the line bellow:

GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="ipv6.disable=1 quiet"

Recompile the initrd after that and it should be good.


For any questions, comments, feedback or issues, submit a new issue.