# Spellchecker

A simple gem which wraps the Aspell command line utility to provide spell checking in ruby.

## Features

* Supports all dictionaries supported by [Aspell](ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/aspell/dict/0index.html). Defaults to English.
* Provides suggested spellings for misspelled words.

## Usage

Spellchecker only has one method:

Spellchecker.check(text, dictionary='en')

The ‘check` method returns an array of hashes representing the words passed in with the initial string. Here’s an example:

text_to_check = 'Theis sentence has many speling mistackes'

results = Spellchecker.check(text_to_check)

results[0] => { :original => 'Theis', :correct => false, :suggestions => ["The-is", "Theirs", "This"] }
results[1] => { :original => 'sentence', :correct => true }

## Note on Patches/Pull Requests

* Fork the project.
* Make your feature addition or bug fix.
* Commit.
* Add tests if applicable. That way we won't break anything.
* Send me a pull request.

## Copyright

Copyright © 2010 RedBeard Tech. See LICENSE for details.