
SoundcloudPlus is a lightweight wrapper for a lightweight wrapper for the Soundcloud web API.

The official soundcloud gem is pretty bare bones. This builds on top of the the soundclout gem and makes things a little more ruby. It doesn’t do much that the soundcloud gem won’t do, but it does it in a slightly nicer way.

Instead of

client = Soundcloud.new(:client_id => "123456789")
client.get("/users/1234/comments", :limit => 5)

You can do

client = SoundcloudPlus.new(:client_id => "123456789")
client.user(1234).comments(:limit => 5)

Like all abstractions this one is a little leaky so it helps to know what is going on under the hood. If nothing else, remember that the plurality of the method count.

Singular methods add resources to the api fetch path

For example:

client = SoundcloudPlus.new(:client_id => "123456789")
client.path # => "/tracks/1234/shared-to/emails"

This path must match the soundcloud web api. You can’t do something like

client.user(1234).comment(4321).track(2345) # Won't work

Plural methods add resources to the api path and then fetch

For example

client = SoundcloudPlus.new(:client_id => "123456789")
client.user(1234).favorites # => Array of user 1234's favorites
client.users(1234) # => Hashie with user 1234's information

Calls to resource properties will also result in a one time fetch

For example

client = SoundcloudPlus.new(:client_id => "123456789")
track  = client.track(1234) # => SoundcloudPlus object with path = "/tracks/1234"
track.id  # Makes fetch to "/tracks/1234", returns "1234" 
          # Subsequent property calls don't result in a fetch.