
Sonic is a Rails engine which provides a status page for your applications services, along with a number of tools to periodically check those services.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'sonic'

And then execute:

$ rails g sonic


Sonic is configured via a simple DSL. Service checks are added by updating the file in config/intializers/sonic_config.rb

Currently three types of services can be checked, http, tcp, and amqp.

Here's an example sonic_config.rb file

module Sonic
  checks = []

  checks << Sonic.service_checker do
    protocol :http
    host 'myhttpserver'
    port 80
    path 'path/to/check'

  checks << Sonic.service_checker do
    protocol :amqp
    host 'myrabbitmqserver'
    port 5672

  checks << Sonic.service_checker do
    protocol :tcp
    host 'mytcpserver'
    port 12345
    payload 'some command'

  SONIC_CHECKS = checks

Sonic also comes with a Clockwork clock file that can be executed that will check the configured services every 3 mintues. This file can be executed via your Procfile or whatever daemonizer your using. For example you could add this to your Profile

sonic_clock:  bundle exec clockwork lib/sonic_clock.rb

Rails Engine

The service checks are published to a json file in your rails public folder at public/sonic/results.json. A very simple view is available that will let you see your results. Include the routes by adding the folowing to your routes.rb file

mount Sonic::Engine => "/sonic", :as => "sonic"

You can then view the status of your services by visiting sonic/ or sonic/results.json


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request