
Module to make it simpler to tests SOAP web services. The goal is to abstract all information about how your call and parse results from the web service within the soap objects.

Defining a soap-object

class AirportService
  include SoapObject

  wsdl ''

  def airport_name


Client Properties

By default, the following properties are set on the Savon::Client:

log: false
ssl_verify_mode: :none
ssl_version: :SSLv3

The following methods are available to set client properties:

proxy ''
open_timeout 10
read_timeout 20
soap_header 'Token' => 'secret'
encoding 'UTF-16'
basic_auth 'steve', 'secret'
digest_auth 'digest', 'auth'
log_level :error
soap_version 2

ssl_options do |opts|
  opts.verify_mode = :peer
  opts.version = :SSLv2


require 'soap-object'

service =

#=> [:get_airport_information_by_iso_country_code,
#    :get_airport_information_by_city_or_airport_name,
#    :get_airport_information_by_country,
#    :get_airport_information_by_airport_code]

#=> <Savon::Response>

By default soap-object attempts to handle any missing method call by passing it through to the underlying Savon client. This enable the soap-object to handle calls to all operations on a given WSDL.

Using with Cucumber

Include the factory methods by placing the following line in the cucumber env.rb file.


By doing so, soap-object's methods are available in cucumbers step definitions.

When(/^I request the airport information for "([^"]*)"$/) do |airport_code|
  using(AirportService).get_airport_information_by_airport_code({airport_code: airport_code})

Then(/^the airport name should be "([^"]*)"$/) do |airport_name|
  expect(using(AirportService).airport_name).to be eq(airport_name)

Parsing the response

Several methods exists on the soap-object to help parse the response.

Return the xml response

  • to_xml

Return value at a specific path using xpath

  • xpath(path)

Return the response as a Hash

  • to_hash

Return the body of the message as a Hash

  • body

Return the response as a Nokogiri document

  • doc


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'soap-object'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install soap-object


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request