
This plugin aims to provide very easy way to send an sms from your Rails app. The service used for sending sms messages is Polish In order to use the plugin you have to sign up at They give you a few free smses, so you can test how the plugin works for you without paying.


To install the plugin, just add it in your gemfile:

gem “sms_sender”


All you need to do is add following lines in your config/application.rb:

config.sms_sender_login=“your login at” config.sms_sender_password=“your password at” config.sms_sender_eco=1

Alternatively, if you don’t want to send eco smses, you comment the last line and add:

#config.sms_sender_eco=1 config.sms_sender_from=“5555”

You may also wish to send test requests to smsapi while you develop your app. I always use it development mode. Just add in config/development.rb:


With this the plugin will send requests to smsapi, but you will not be charged and people will not get any messages.


The plugin adds a method:

send_sms(telephone, text)

This method is available in all your controllers. When sth goes wrong it will raise SmsApiError, so it’s wise to write:


send_sms("666", "hello world")

rescue SmsApiError => e

logger.error "Sms api failed with error #{e.error_code}"
.... other error handling code



When you run your tests the plugin does not send any requests to smsapi. Instead it uses a fake implementation of sender and gives you two extra assertions. In your tests you may write:

assert_sms_sent “6666”, “hello world”

This will be passed if somewhere in your code there was a call

send_sms “6666”, “hellow world”

Be careful though, assert_sms_sent will be passed once only. If you call it twice without a proper call to send_sms, it will fail.

On the other hand you may want to check:


That will be passed iff there was no calls to send_sms.

Both assertions are added to Test::Unit::Assertions. They work in test/unit tests, as well as in RSpec and Cucumber.

Copyright © 2011 RocketMind Software, released under the MIT license.