SmartModel - (

What is

SmartModel is a Rails 3 Library(plugin and gem) made to improve the way you use MongoMapper. It gives you aliases, and even a model generator for MongoDB models.


As plugin

To setup SmartModel as a plugin, you need mongo_mapper (that needs bson_ext), so add this to your Gemfile:

gem 'mongo_mapper'
gem 'bson_ext'

And then run

$ rails plugin install

As a gem

Just add:

gem 'smart_model'

To your Gemfile and run:

$ [sudo] bundle install

Setting MongoMapper DB

As we use MongoMapper, you still need to set the database name, what can be easily done in a config/initializers/mongodb.rb like that

MongoMapper.database = "wtv-#{Rails.env}"

And you are done!


SmartModel gives you the smart_model generator:

$ rails g smart_model project name:string content:string created_at:date in_progress:done

That creates a model Project with the SmartModel::Base module included


Is a class with all the MongoMapper::Document methods, and with SmartModel::Attributes and SmartModel::Relationships included


It is responsible for handling the columns of yout database. To add a title columns to your project model, that keeps a string ,in example, you can just type this:

class Project
  include SmartModel::Attributes # Load SmartModel
  string :title , :required => true # Create title column ,that accept strings

Or if you have many columns with the same behaviour , you can just manage them just like this:

class Project
  include SmartModel::Attributes
  strings [:title , : content] , :required => true # Create :title and :content columns

The given methods are

string(s) , integer(s) , boolean(s) , array(s) , objectid(s) , date(s)


It is responsible for making the belongs_to method also create de column in the database for the id

class Project
  include SmartModel::Relationships
  belongs_to :task
  # however , if you call , in example
  # string :title
  # it will raise an error , because you didn't included the Attributes module


Create a scaffold generator

Why have I done it?

I was on vacation, so, I decided to code something usefull, and this was my first idea.

Contributors / Maintainers

Copyright © 2010 Nathan Proença. Read LICENCE for details.