
SmartList Plug-In - Part of FRIENDS SmartConcepts (c) 2011 Florian Eck, FRIENDS Financial Coaching


This is my SmartList plugin, kinda raw, not yet test-covered or anything, but works good as hell. Its kinda similar to acts_as_list, but it does the following things (better in my opinion, thats why i wrote it;-):


Class UserStuff < ActiveRecord::Base

  smart_list :group => :user_id, :base_class => 'UserStuff' # => shiity thing which needs to be fixed - always must pass the model name !
  # default value for ordering stuff is 'order_bit', could be anything else, like 'created_at' or what ever
  # u can ignore ':group' if u just want a whole table as one list


You have the following data in your user stuff table:

id user_id some_data order_bit 1 1 'bli' 100 2 2 'bla' 100 3 3 'blubb' 100 4 1 'blibla' 101 5 1 'blubbblubb' 102 6 1 'abc' 103 7 2 'blubbbla' 101 8 3 'def' 101

Now u can do:

stuff = UserStuff.find_by_user_id(1) # stuff is <UserStuff #1>

Get all items in group

stuff.group_list_items #=> returns [<UserStuff #1>, <UserStuff #4>, <UserStuff #5>, <UserStuff #6>]

Or u do

UserStuff.grouped_list(1) # Get all items with user_id 1

if u have an item of a list, you can do:

item.move_up!     # Move item up in oder position
item.move_down!   # Move item down in oder position

item.pre          # Get previous item in list, returns self when no other item is available         # Get next item in list, returns self when no other item is available

item.followers    # check which items are next in list
item.group_list_items # show all items in group

Includes Helpers, Partials and Controllers to do:

<%= smart_list_links(item, options = {:uplink => {:text => "<", :class => nil}, :downlink => {:text => ">", :class => nil}}) %>

will render a button box for controlling the list items (movin up and down)


No test coverage yet, hope u like it anyway