A smarter alternative to OpenStruct


If you're unhappy with OpenStruct (like myself), you might consider using SmartHash because of these major features:

  • You can access attributes as methods or keys. Both person.name and person[:name] will work.
  • Attribute access is strict by default. person.invalid_stuff will raise an exception instead of returning the stupid nil.
  • You can use any attribute names. person.size = "XL" will work as intended.
  • SmartHash descends from Hash and inherits its rich feature set.


$ gem install smart_hash

Or using Bundler's Gemfile:

gem "smart_hash"
#gem "smart_hash", :git => "git://github.com/dadooda/smart_hash.git"     # Edge version.


Create an object and set a few attributes:

>> person = SmartHash[]
>> person.name = "John"
>> person.age = 25

>> person
=> {:name=>"John", :age=>25}

Read attributes:

>> person.name
=> "John"
>> person[:name]
=> "John"

Access an unset attribute:

>> person.invalid_stuff
KeyError: key not found: :invalid_stuff
>> person[:invalid_stuff]
=> nil

Please note that [] access is always non-strict since SmartHash behaves as Hash here.

Manipulate attributes which exist as methods:

>> person = SmartHash[:name => "John"]
>> person.size
=> 1
>> person.size = "XL"
>> person.size
=> "XL"

IMPORTANT: You can use any attribute names excluding these: default, default_proc, strict.

Use Hash features, e.g. merge:

>> person = SmartHash[:name => "John"]
>> person.merge(:surname => "Smith", :age => 25)
=> {:name=>"John", :surname=>"Smith", :age=>25}

, or iterate:

>> person.each {|k, v| puts "#{k}: #{v}"}
name: John
surname: Smith
age: 25

Suppose you want to disable strict mode:

>> person = SmartHash[]
>> person.strict = false

>> person.name
=> nil
>> person.age
=> nil

SmartHash::Loose is non-strict upon construction:

>> person = SmartHash::Loose[]
>> person.name
=> nil
>> person.age
=> nil

Suppose you know you will use the size attribute and you don't want any interference with the #size method. Use attribute declaration:

>> person = SmartHash[]
>> person.declare(:size)
>> person.size
KeyError: key not found: :size
>> person.size = "XL"
>> person.size
=> "XL"

Suppose you set an attribute and want to ensure that it's not overwritten. Use attribute protection:

>> person = SmartHash[]
>> person.name = "John"
>> person.protect(:name)

>> person.name = "Bob"
ArgumentError: Attribute 'name' is protected


Tested to run on:

  • Ruby 1.9.2-p180, Linux, RVM

Compatibility issue reports will be greatly appreciated.

Copyright © 2012 Alex Fortuna.

Licensed under the MIT License.


Send bug reports, suggestions and criticisms through project's page on GitHub.