
Short description and motivation.

Sitemap configuration


How to use my plugin.


Add these lines to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'active_admin_slickr'
gem 'slickr'

And then execute:


Or install them yourself as:

gem install active_admin_slickr
gem install slickr


After installing the gem run:

rake db:migrate


If you don't already have webpacker installed run:

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'webpacker', '~> 3.0.2'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install webpacker

Then install webpacker:

bundle exec rails Webpacker:install

Finally, to use Webpacker with React:

bundle exec rails webpacker:install:react


rails g slickr:install


yarn install


Firstly, please comment out the default Active Admin stylesheets.

// Active Admin's got SASS!
// @import "active_admin/mixins";
// @import "active_admin/base";

Then add the following in active_admin.scss:

@import 'active_admin_slickr';
@import 'slickr/slickr_styles';


  • In the active_admin.js file, you require:
//= require active_admin/base
//= require active_admin_slickr
//= require slickr/slickr_javascript


You will have some basic default roles added to your AdminUser model which you can easily add to. Roles are managed by CanCanCan and can be altered in the Ability model

Admin User

The AdminUser model is already setup through this gem so you can remove your own version. If however you need to extend it you can still create the admin_users.rb file within the admin folder but set it up like so:

ActiveAdmin.register AdminUser, as: "Users" do

Model Ordering

Slickr uses acts_as_list for ordering. In order to use it in you app you must first add a position column to the require table:

rails g migration AddPositionToAdminUser position:integer
rake db:migrate

Then add acts_as_list to your model (and also a default scope if you need it):

class AdminUser < ActiveRecord::Base
  default_scope { order(position: :asc) }

In your Active Admin model you then need to add the following:

ActiveAdmin.register AdminUser do
  config.sort_order = 'position_asc'
  config.paginate   = false


  index as: :reorderable_table do


That's it, you now have reorderable tables.

Extending Megadraft

In text editing mode, Megadraft has a range of options such as bold, italic, bullet list, etc. With this editor there is also the ability to add icons to the toolbar that can display info from your models.

When you run the generator, you will see that a new folder has been added to the app/javascript folder called slickr_extensions. Additionally, a new model is added under app/models/slickr/page.rb.

In app/models/slickr/page.rb you can add to additional_page_edit_paths to include new methods to get info from a model. There is currently an example method admin_user_index_path which requests the admin index path and has params of type: 'megadraft_admins').

When the icon is clicked in the Megadraft toolbar, this path will be requested which requires the controller action to be added to Active Admin AdminUser. For example add:

controller do
  def index
    if params[:type] == 'megadraft_admins'
      @admins = AdminUser.all
      index! do |format|
        format.html { render :json => @admins.to_json }

making sure the params match.

Extending Redux store

In slickr_extensions/page_edit/containers/additional_prop_types.js the propTypes are extended with our default but you can add to this as needed.

Next we need to handle state change which is done through slickr_extensions/page_edit/reducers/additional_reducers.js. Again this is based on our admins example and simply references a function that responds to LOAD_ADMINS to get the payload from the admin controller we added above.

The action to trigger this state change is at slickr_extensions/page_edit/actions/additional_actions.js.

Custom Entities

See Megadraft custom entities for more info.

Megadraft ships with a default entity "LINK" and an according action in the toolbar that allows a user to type in an url. We are adding to it with "ADMIN_LINK" with an action that allows a user to select an admin email. We extend the entity inputs from slickr_extensions/page_edit/components/content/additional_entity_inputs.js and agin you can add more as needed.

In order to render the custom entities, we need to define decorators as seen in slickr_extensions/page_edit/actions/additional_actions.js. Upon highlighting text in the Megadraft editor and then clicking the admin icon in the Megadraft toolbar, componentWillMount() is fired which in this case is used to signify a state change in Megadraft and passes editorState as "load_admins" which is handled in slickr_extensions/page_edit/components/content/editor_state_change.js.

The action we setup above to load the admins is now fired and the render method of entity input is called. This renders a drop down menu on the screen and an array of admins with a value as a fake link and label of their email populates the drop down.

The value of this.props.url in


at this point is undefined but when an admin email is clicked, the rendering in the editor is handled by slickr_extensions/page_edit/decorators/admin_link_component.jsx. The text you highlighted earlier is now wrapped with a link with an href of the link you declared in the value of the drop down. The value of this.props.url is now the href value.

Megadraft to HTML

The content generated by Megadraft needs to be converted to HTML to be displayed in preview mode or in the front end. If you have added any custom entities you will need to add to "DRAFTJS_CONFIG" in app/models/slickr/page.rb by adding

'ADMIN_LINK' => 'admin__link')

for our example in "entity_decorators".

Page Layouts

For each page you create, you will select a page layout. We have included some defaults in app/models/slickr/page.rb in the "LAYOUTS" constant but you can remove or add as many as you like.

For each layout listed in "LAYOUTS" you will need a corresponding file at app/views/slickr_page_templates with the same name like contact.html.erb or contact.slim.

The instance variable is accessed as slickr_page and the megadraft content as raw content. So as a simple example the page could look as follows:

<h1><%= page["title"] %></h1>
<p><%= page["page_intro"] %></p>
<%= raw content %>

Megadraft Text Area

Slickr enables the Megadraft editor to be used in text area inputs which normal Active Admin resources. Below is an example for how to have a mix of normal text area fields and megadraft text areas:

form do |f|
  f.inputs do
    f.input :title
    f.input :body_normal,
            as: :text
    render 'admin/form/text_area_helper', f: f, field: :body_megadraft
    f.input :body_megadraft,
            as: :text

View Helper

In order to use the DraftJS output from Megadraft there is a helper available to use in your views:

<%= draftjs_to_html(@slickr_page, :body_megadraft) %>

replacing the instance variable with that generated in your controller and the second argument with whatever field has the DraftJS content.


During development you can use a local copy of the engine in your app and there are 2 options for doing this. One thing you'll have to do first is you change the slickr.yml file in the config folder. Comment out:

slickr: dist

and uncomment

slickr: package/slickr/packs

Option 1

In the main app, package.json file, replace:

"slickr": "git+"

with a local copy like

"slickr": "file:/Users/primate/Documents/Projects/slickr"

and use the local copy of the engine to load into the main apps node_modules. This works well if you need to make changes to the codebase that does not involve the webpacker code.

Option 2

To live reload your changes on the local engine rather than loading a compiled version into the main app you can run the following from the engine:

yarn install

to install any missing packages. Then

yarn link

Now in your main app type

yarn link slickr

The local engine now takes precedence over the version in the main app node_modules folder and when you run the dev server in the main app with


any changes you make to your engine react code will be live reloaded.

When you're done you can type

yarn unlink slickr

from the main app but note that you'll have to yarn install again as the slickr node module will be removed.


Contribution directions go here.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.