= Slicehost Helper API

This library provides a simple set of helper methods
to manage slices and DNS zones/records on your Slicehost
account (http://slicehost.com).

== Capistrano tasks

There are two capistrano tasks:
cap slicehost:zone:add # Create DNS zone
cap slicehost:zone:mx:google # Add Google Apps MX records

To your config/deploy.rb, add the following:

require "slicehost/recipes/capistrano" if Capistrano::Version::MAJOR >= 2
# Used to setup/update DNS registry of url => ip
set :domain_mapping, "myurl.com" => "123.456.789.012"

== Underlying API

The current API is very alpha. It was just the simplest thing that worked.
There are unit tests demonstrating it working and everything.

Future releases will have a nicer, class-based API.

Contact: Dr Nic Williams, [email protected]