
A Rails engine for embedding Posterous blog extracts


Configure gems inside your app:

config.gem 'siyelo-blogify', :lib => "blogify"


$ rake gems:install

Or manually;

$ sudo gem install siyelo-blogify


To set up your Rails project, run this generator:

ruby script/generate blogify_install

This will install an initializer which describes ALL Blogify’s configuration options, so be sure to take a look at it.

Basic Usage

As part of the generator, you get an initializer that kicks off a Rufus task every N hours (see config/initializiers/blogify.rb).

Once the rufus scheduler task is running, it will go off and cache your last N (BlogPost.post_limit) blog posts locally.

To display your posts, all you need to do is read the cached posts in your controller action.

@blog_posts = BlogPost.find(:all, :limit => BLOG_POST_LIMIT)

And render them in your view as you wish. For convenience, some view partials are included as examples;

= render :partial => '/blog_posts/list', :locals => { :blog_posts => @news_posts }

Advanced Usage

Blogify can also work with multiple Posterous blogs. The BlogPost model is compatible with STI, so all you need to do is subclass it. E.g. in app/models/news_post.rb

def NewsPost < BlogPost

You’ll need to set up your rufus cron task to cache the relevant blog posts

scheduler.every '1h' do
  NewsPost.cache_posts( 'some_other_posterous_user', 5)

And the controller/views work pretty much the same

@news_posts = NewsPost.find(:all, :limit => BLOG_POST_LIMIT)


Please refer to TODO file.


  • Glenn Roberts


Check them in the CHANGELOG or do ‘git shortlog -s -n` in the cloned repository.

Bugs and Feedback

If you discover any bugs or want to drop a line, feel free to create an issue on GitHub.

MIT License. Copyright 2010. Siyelo Software CC.