
Use to easily create models and view results across periods.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'simulator'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install simulator


See the features for some examples.

bundle exec cucumber

See the specs for some simpler examples.

bundle exec rspec

See the examples subdirectory for examples as well. Including the one excerpted below:

# We create a model that simulates a ball drop
model = do
  name = "Ball drop model"
  # create a couple static variables to represent acceleration with
  # default values
  var :ax, 0
  var :ay, - 9.8

  # create dynamic variables bound to some computation, with default
  # values. 

  # velocity is affected by acceleration
  eqtn(:vx, 20) { vx + ax }
  eqtn(:vy, 50) { vy + ay }

  # position is affected by velocity
  eqtn(:x, 10) { x + vx }
  eqtn(:y, 100) { y + vy }

# Run the model 10 periods
model_run = model.new_run
10.times do 

# retrieve the data
series = :x, :y
puts series
# > [[30, 50, 70, 90, 110, 130, 150, 170, 190, 210, 210],
# > [140.2, 170.6, 191.2, 202.0, 203.0, 194.2, 175.6, 147.2, 108.99999999999999, 60.999999999999986, 60.999999999999986]]

# Then plot it or do whatever you like