
Simplerubysteps makes it easy to manage AWS Step Functions with ruby.

  • Phase I (we are here): Experimenting and exploring the problem and solution domain. The aim is to explore the DSL capabilities and user experience of the automation tool. Things will work, but may change over time. The released gem versions of Simplerubysteps are early alpha versions and therefore should not be used by anyone in production.
  • Phase II: First release candidate (possibly rewritten from scratch)
  • Phase III: Maintain and evolve

Installation and Usage


  • Configured AWS CLI profile with sufficient permissions to create IAM roles and policies, create Lambda functions, create and run Step Functions state machines, run CloudWatch log queries, etc.

Install the gem and the srs CLI

gem install simplerubysteps

Create an AWS Step Function State Machine with the simplerubysteps Ruby DSL

mkdir -p samples/hello-world-3
cd samples/hello-world-3

vi workflow.rb

Hello World State Machine (workflow.rb)

require "simplerubysteps"
include Simplerubysteps

GERMAN_WORDS = ["Hallo"]

def is_german?(word)
  GERMAN_WORDS.include? word

task :start do
  transition_to :german do |data|
    is_german? data["hi"]

  default_transition_to :english

task :german do
  action do |data|
    { hello_world: "#{data["hi"]} Welt" }

task :english do
  action do |data|
    { hello_world: "#{data["hi"]} World" }

Deploy the Step Functions State Machine and the Lambda function that implements the Task Actions (with srs deploy)

export AWS_PROFILE=<AWS CLI profile name with sufficient privileges>
cd samples/hello-world-3

srs deploy

Trigger State Machine executions (with srs start)

export AWS_PROFILE=<AWS CLI profile name with sufficient privileges>
cd samples/hello-world-3


Sample execution 1 (Hello World)

echo '{"hi":"Hello"}'|srs start --wait > result.json
cat result.json|jq -r ".output"|jq -r ".hello_world"
open "$OPEN_AWS_CONSOLE_EXECUTION_DETAILS_PAGE_URL_PREFIX$(cat result.json|jq -r ".execution_arn")"

Sample Englisch execution

Sample execution 2 (Hallo Welt)

echo '{"hi":"Hallo"}'|srs start --wait > result.json
cat result.json|jq -r ".output"|jq -r ".hello_world"
open "$OPEN_AWS_CONSOLE_EXECUTION_DETAILS_PAGE_URL_PREFIX$(cat result.json|jq -r ".execution_arn")"

Sample German execution

Delete CloudFormation stack (with srs destroy)

export AWS_PROFILE=<AWS CLI profile name with sufficient privileges>
cd samples/hello-world-3

srs destroy


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.