
This is a simple library to add KISSmetrics to your layouts. It is configured using a YAML file.


gem install simplekiss


Create a kissmetrics.yml file in your app’s config/ dir

#KISSmetrics configuration file.
apikey: <enter your api key here>

  <action>: 'kissmetrics step title'
  <another action>: 'kissmetrics step title'

# Example usage
  new: 'Visit signup page'
  show: 'Viewed account page'
  new: 'Create a new post'

This allows you the customise the name of the action based on the controller and action being called

Adding KISSmetrics to your layout

Simply add this to the end of your layout, preferably the last thing before <body>

<%= kissmetrics if Rails.env == 'production' %>

By default, if an entry isn’t found ‘<controller name>/<action name>’ is sent to KISSmetrics instead. If you want to turn off this behaviour, to stop polluting you stats with every page:

<%= kissmetrics(use_defaults=>false) if Rails.env == 'production' %>


  • Tests: yeah, I know. Feel free to help me out here

Copyright © 2010 Jamie Lawrence. See LICENSE for details (MIT licence).