
simple_mailer is a very simple email library for ruby, with testing support. It just uses ruby’s standard net/smtp library to send out the emails. Configuration is limited to setting the server that the email is sent to (defaults to localhost). Testing support is limited to appending the emails that would have been sent to an array.

simple_mailer can be installed with:

sudo gem install simple_mailer

Source is available at github:


There is no required configuration, you can use simple_mailer immediately:

require 'simple_mailer'
SimpleMailer.send_email('[email protected]', '[email protected]', 'Subject',
  'Body', 'HeaderKey'=>'HeaderValue')

Or, you can include the SimpleMailer module in other classes:

class Mailer
  include SimpleMailer

  def initialize(subject, body)
    @subject = subject
    @body = body
    self.smtp_server = ''

  def email(from, to)
    send_email(from, to, @subject, @body)
end'Subject', 'Body').email('[email protected]', '[email protected]')

Special Headers

There are four special headers that simple_mailer processes:


Override the actual SMTP recipients without modifying the message.


Override the actual STMP sender without modifying the message.


Add a recipient to the message and include a CC header with that recipient.


Add an recipient to the message without including that information in the message headers.

All other headers are used verbatim in the message.


You can pass in options just like with the Mail gem.

  :address => "",
  :port => 587,
  :domain => "localhost",
  :user_name => "bob",
  :password => "secret",
  :authentication => :plain,


Testing support is probably the main reason to use simple_mailer over using net/smtp directly. After you enter test mode, emails you send are available via the emails_sent option:

SimpleMailer.emails_sent # []
SimpleMailer.send_email('[email protected]', '[email protected]', 'S', 'B')
SimpleMailer.emails_sent # [[message, '[email protected]', '[email protected]']]


Jeremy Evans ([email protected])