
Instead of enqueueing and processing jobs one at a time, enqueue them one by one and process them in bulk. Useful for grouping background API calls or intensive database inserts coming from multiple sources.


gem install 'sidekiq-paquet'

sidekiq-paquet requires Sidekiq 4+.


Add bundled: true option to your worker's sidekiq_options to have jobs processed in bulk. The size of the bundle can be configured per worker. If not specified, the Sidekiq::Paquet.options[:default_bundle_size] is used.

class ElasticIndexerWorker
  include Sidekiq::Worker

  sidekiq_options bundled: true, bundle_size: 100

  def perform(*values)
    # Perform work with the array of values

Instead of being processed by Sidekiq right away, jobs will be stored into a separate queue and periodically, a separate thread will pick up this internal queue, slice bundle_size elements into an array and enqueue a regular Sidekiq job with that bundle as argument. Thus, your worker will only be invoked with an array of values, never with single values themselves.

For example, if you call perform_async twice on the previous worker

ElasticIndexerWorker.perform_async({ delete: { _index: 'users', _id: 1, _type: 'user' } })
ElasticIndexerWorker.perform_async({ delete: { _index: 'users', _id: 2, _type: 'user' } })

the worker instance will receive these values as a single argument

  [{ delete: { _index: 'users', _id: 1, _type: 'user' } }],
  [{ delete: { _index: 'users', _id: 2, _type: 'user' } }]

Every time flushing happens, sidekiq-paquet will try to process all your workers marked as bundled. If you want to limit the time between two flushing in a worker, you can pass the minimum_execution_interval option to sidekiq options.


You can change global configuration by modifying the Sidekiq::Paquet.options hash.

  Sidekiq::Paquet.options[:default_bundle_size] = 500 # Default is 100
  Sidekiq::Paquet.options[:average_flush_interval] = 30 # Default is 15

The average_flush_interval represent the average time elapsed between two polling of values. This scales with the number of sidekiq processes you're running. So if you have 5 sidekiq processes, and set the average_flush_interval to 15, each process will check for new bundled jobs every 75 seconds -- so that in average, the bundles queue will be checked every 15 seconds.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.