Matchers to test before, after and around hooks(currently supports gsymbol and object callbacks):

Symbol Callbacks:

describe Post do
  it { should callback(:count_comments).before(:save) }
  it { should callback(:post_to_twitter).after(:create) }
  it { should callback(:evaluate_if_should_validate).before(:validation) }
  it { should callback(:add_some_convenience_accessors).after(:find) }

describe User do
  it { should_not callback(:make_email_validation_ready!).before(:validation).on(:update) }
  it { should callback(:make_email_validation_ready!).before(:validation).on(:create) }
  it { should callback(:update_user_count).before(:destroy) }

Object Callbacks:

class CallbackClass
  def before_save{}
  def after_create{}
  def before_validation{}
  def after_find{}

describe Post do
  it { should callback(CallbackClass).before(:save) }
  it { should callback(CallbackClass).after(:create) }
  it { should callback(CallbackClass).before(:validation) }
  it { should callback(CallbackClass).after(:find) }

describe User do
  it { should_not callback(CallbackClass).before(:validation).on(:update) }
  it { should callback(CallbackClass).before(:validation).on(:create) }
  it { should callback(CallbackClass).before(:destroy) }

Be aware that this tests for the method call and not the method itself. It makes testing via triggering the callback events (validation, save) unnecessary, but you should still test the called procedure seperately.

In Rails 3 or 4 and Bundler, add the following to your Gemfile:

group :test do
  gem "shoulda-callback-matchers", "~> 0.4"

This gem uses semantic versioning, so you won't have incompability issues with patches.

rspec-rails needs to be in the development group so that Rails generators work.

group :development, :test do
  gem "rspec-rails"

Shoulda will automatically include matchers into the appropriate example groups.


This gem is maintained by me and its contributors, Shoulda is maintained and funded by thoughtbot

Contributors & Contributions

  • @pvertenten

Let's make this gem useful, send me a PR if you've discovered an issue you'd like to fix!


Shoulda is Copyright © 2006-2012 thoughtbot, inc. Callback Matchers is Copyright © 2012 Beat Richartz It is free software, and may be redistributed under the terms specified in the MIT-LICENSE file.