
Manage WordPress from the command-line.


Shellpress comes with a variety of different commands that help you efficiently manage your WordPress installations. Try one of the following commands:


Command: wordpress download

$ shellpress wordpress download  # download and unpack WordPress

    -v, [--version=VERSION]  # Version of WordPress to download. Any version found in the release archive with a tar.gz link is valid (

    Downloads WordPress from the official site. By default, the latest stable version will be downloaded. The downloaded archive will be unpacked and the working directory will become the WordPress root directory. Use --version to specify a version to download.

Command: wordpress install

$ shellpress wordpress install   # download and install WordPress

    -c, [--config=CONFIG]  # Loads settings from config file specified. Config must be in YAML format.
    -s, [--skip-config]    # If a config.yml file is found in the working directory, it will automatically be used unless you specify this flag.
    -o, [--output=OUTPUT]  # Writes a config file with the settings you chose during install.

    Installs and downloads WordPress using the working directory as the WordPress root. If the "wp-content" folder already exists, it's  assumed that WordPress has already been downloaded so only the install occurs. By default, this command will prompt you to enter the needed settings. Use --config (-c) [file] to specify a YAML config file. To save your settings into a config for future use, use --output (-o) [file] to write a YAML file. Before using this command, the WordPress root needs to be accessible via a URL and a MySQL database needs to exist with a valid user to access it.

Command: wordpress clean

$ shellpress wordpress clean

    [--aliases-aallfalsedescDelete everything including *.yml files=ALIASES-AALLFALSEDESCDELETE EVERYTHING INCLUDING *.YML FILES]  

    Cleans up the working directory by deleting everything in it. By default, this excludes any *.yml config files. To delete everything including *.yml files, use --all (a).


Command: plugin install

$ shellpress plugin install PLUGIN   # install plugin

    -v, [--version=VERSION]  # Version of the plugin to install. Valid versions can be found on the plugin download page ([plugin]/download/) or in the SVN repository ([plugin]/tags/)

    [PLUGIN] can either be a URL or a plugin name. If a plugin name is supplied, it will be downloaded from the WordPress Plugin Directory 
    ( If [PLUGIN] is a URL, it needs to be a ZIP file that contains either a directory or a single php file.

Command: plugin activate

$ shellpress plugin activate NAME    # activate plugin

    Activates a plugin from the default plugin directory (wp-content/plugins/). [NAME] is either the name of the directory, or the plugin file without ".php"

Command: plugin deactivate

$ shellpress plugin deactivate NAME  # deactivate plugin

    Deactivates a plugin from the default plugin directory (wp-content/plugins/). [NAME] is either the name of the directory, or the plugin file without ".php"

Command: plugin delete

$ shellpress plugin delete NAME      # delete plugin

    Deletes a plugin from the default plugin directory (wp-content/plugins/). [NAME] is either the name of the directory, or the plugin file without ".php"

Command: plugin download

$ shellpress plugin download URL     # downloads plugin from URL

    Downloads and extracts a plugin to the default plugin directory (wp-content/plugins/). [URL] must be a ZIP archive. The downloaded ZIP file will be deleted after it's 


Command: theme install

$ shellpress theme install THEME  # [THEME] can either be a URL or a theme name. If a theme name is supplied, it will be downloaded from the WordPress Theme Directory

    -v, [--version=VERSION]  # Version of the theme to install. Valid version numbers can be found in the theme's SVN repository ([theme]/)

    [THEME] can either be a URL or a theme name. If a theme name is supplied, it will be downloaded from the WordPress Theme Directory 
    ( If [THEME] is a URL, it needs to be a ZIP file that contains a directory.

Command: theme delete

$ shellpress theme delete NAME    # removes theme

    -f, [--force]  # Force delete theme without confirmation

    Deletes a theme. [NAME] is the name of the theme directory in wp-content/themes/.

Command: theme switch

$ shellpress theme switch NAME    # switches from the current theme to new theme

    Switches (activates) to [NAME] theme. [NAME] is the theme directory name in wp-content/themes/. Child themes are also supported.

Command: theme download

$ shellpress theme download URL   # downloads theme from URL

    Downloads a theme from the URL provided. URL needs be a ZIP file that contains 1 directory. ZIP will be expanded and deleted. The theme will be moved to 


Command: user add

$ shellpress user add [USER]

    -u, [--url=URL]                # User's URL
    -r, [--role=ROLE]              # User role. Valid roles and descriptions can be found here (
    -p, [--password=PASSWORD]      # User's password
    -f, [--first-name=FIRST_NAME]  # User's first name
    -e, [--email=EMAIL]            # User's email address. Their account info will be emailed here.
    -l, [--last-name=LAST_NAME]    # User's last name
    -s, [--ssl=SSL]                # Force SSL
                                   # Default: 0

    Creates a new WordPress user account. Do not try using this for existing users.


Command: database reset

$ shellpress database reset

    -e, [--exclude-users]  # Excludes wp_usermeta and wp_users from being cleared

    Empties all WordPress tables by truncating. By default, all tables will be cleared. To preserve the user tables, use --exclude_users (-e)


See config.yml.sample for an example of an installation config.yml.

Usage: shellpress wordpress install -c config.yml

Copyright (c) 2011 Scott Walkinshaw. See LICENSE for further details.