Fusion Tables adapter for Sequel

Experimental adapter to use Fusion Tables in Sequel.


require "sequel"

db = Sequel.connect("fusiontables:///")

# In Fusion, table IDs are numbers.
table = db[579353]

puts table.select("Country", "Name").where("Active Reactors" => 0).all

# {"Country"=>"BELGIUM", "Name"=>"BR"}
# {"Country"=>"CANADA", "Name"=>"DOUGLAS POINT"}
# {"Country"=>"CANADA", "Name"=>"NPD"}
# {"Country"=>"CHINA", "Name"=>"LINGAO"}
# ...

Known issues

I just started experimenting with this so there are a few features missing:

  • CREATE TABLE, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE aren't implemented yet. Soon though.
  • Typecasting.