Class: Selenium::WebDriver::Remote::OSS::Driver Private


This class is part of a private API. You should avoid using this class if possible, as it may be removed or be changed in the future.

Driver implementation for remote server talking OSS dialect.

Constant Summary

Constants included from DriverExtensions::Rotatable


Constants included from SearchContext


Method Summary

Methods included from DriverExtensions::HasWebStorage

#local_storage, #session_storage

Methods included from DriverExtensions::HasRemoteStatus


Methods included from DriverExtensions::HasNetworkConnection

#network_connection_type, #network_connection_type=

Methods included from DriverExtensions::HasLocation

#location, #location=, #set_location

Methods included from DriverExtensions::HasTouchScreen


Methods included from DriverExtensions::Rotatable

#orientation, #rotation=

Methods included from DriverExtensions::HasSessionId


Methods included from DriverExtensions::TakesScreenshot

#save_screenshot, #screenshot_as

Methods included from DriverExtensions::UploadsFiles


Methods inherited from Driver

#[], #action, #browser, #capabilities, #close, #current_url, #execute_async_script, #execute_script, for, #get, #initialize, #inspect, #keyboard, #manage, #mouse, #navigate, #page_source, #quit, #ref, #switch_to, #title, #window_handle, #window_handles

Methods included from SearchContext

#find_element, #find_elements

Constructor Details

This class inherits a constructor from Selenium::WebDriver::Driver