
This gem provides a quick and dirty way to add secure hashing to your ActiveRecord models. It relies on the recent refactoring of ActiveRecord::Base::serialize thus Rails 3.1+ is required.


I wrote this gem in response to Aaron Patterson's request for a has_secure_password implementation that uses the newfound flexibility of ActiveRecord::Base::serialize. I originally intended to refactor the has_secure_password method in Rails 3.1, but that poses a problem that stems from the fact that has_secure_password is defined in ActiveModel::SecurePassword, while all of the column serialization jazz is part of ActiveRecord::Base.

Either SecurePassword would need to be moved to ActiveRecord, or all of the serialize jazz would need to be moved to ActiveModel. The first approach is the easiest, and at the moment only ActiveRecord::Base mixes-in the ActiveModel::SecurePassword module, but it still takes away the option of using it in, say, ActiveResource::Base. The second approach would be a pretty involved undertaking, and while the work done by serialize and the coders does not depend upon ActiveRecord, no actual serialization is performed until the model is persisted. As a result, it probably doesn't make much sense to refactor serialize into ActiveModel.

In either case, such a refactoring would require some amount of pull amongst the Rails community (both components mentioned were put in place by some important Rails people) and unlike Jackie Treehorn, I don't pull shit in this town. So, I created this gem to illustrate how dead simple the new hotness of serialize makes this feature. It should work just fine with ActiveRecord, but it was built as more of a proof of concept than anything else.


Here's an example of how you might use this gem:

# Schema: users(:password_hash => String, :bollocks => String,
#   :fancy_pants => String)
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
  securely_hashes :password, :to => :password_hash
  securely_hashes :bollocks

  class AlternateCoder
    def self.dump some_value
      # ...

    def self.load encoded
      # ...

  securely_hashes :fancy_pants, :with => AlternateCoder

some_user = User.new
some_user.password    = 'super secret'
some_user.bollocks    = 'something else to hash'
some_user.fancy_pants = 'you get the idea'
some_user.password_hash # => $2a$10blahetcetc...
some_user.bollocks      # => $2a$10yaddayadda...

When using the :to => <column name> option, the gem will create getters and setters for the given attribute name and the setter will pass the value on to the actual column. So, in our example of

securely_hashes :password, :to => :password_hash

the gem defined password and password= methods on our model automatically. This behavior is important to note because it can clobber (or be clobbered) by methods explicitly defined on the model. If the :to => ... option is not used, no methods are created.


You can use this gem in your rails app by adding

gem 'securely_hashed_attributes'

to your Gemfile. Alternatively, you can install the gem directly:

gem install securely_hashed_attributes

or you can clone the git repo:

git clone git://github.com/iande/securely_hashed_attributes.git

I want to re-iterate that this gem was written mostly as a proof of concept, and you must be running Rails 3.1+ to use it.

Further Thoughts

Hopefully this gem serves its purpose of demonstrating how easy it is to do some pretty cool shit with serialized columns in Rails 3.1. You could easily add a coder that handles encryption to securely persist data in a column and semi-automagically work with the unencrypted data in your app. It also provides opportunities for leveraging features of your database of choice, as Aaron Patterson demonstrated with his HStore coder at RailsConf 2011. Although, you may not want to use eval to decode the data.


Public Domained!


I'm pretty open to pull requests, if anyone finds utility in this gem and wants to contribute additional features. All I ask is that you provide adequate documentation and test coverage for any code you contribute. If you find the "public domaining" of this code to be problematic, fork the code and put it under whatever license you like. You're free to do with this code pretty much whatever you like.