
Store secrets for your app AES encrypted in a yaml file.

Often when working on a web application, you have the need for storing a variety of API keys or secrets to 3rd party services. However, it's not desireable to check those secrets in as plain text to the code respository. This means that any 3rd party access to your repository provides that info. With SecretStore, parties without knowledge of the master password (this can include your own team members!) will not have direct access to such secrets.

One common way around this is to set such keys in the environment. This is, for example, what Heroku recommends for use on their platform. While it works, it can end up cumbersome, is not easily replicatable, and can require additional restarts in addition to a code deploy depending on the architecture.

Instead, SecretStore encrypts all secrets with one master password, so there's only one key to inject into the environment.


install it via rubygems:

gem install secret_store

or put it in your Gemfile:

# Gemfile
gem 'secret_store'


require "secret_store"

secret_store ="master_password", "/path/to/data.yml")"some_api_key", "c7dd199")
secret_store.get("some_api_key") # => "c7dd199"
secret_store.get("unknown_key") # => nil
secret_store.get!("unknown_key") # => raises IndexError"secret", "b123fa") # => stores"secret", "new_val")  # => raises error!("secret", "new_val") # => overwrites stored

For a typical application, it could be desirable to define a single SecretStore instance; for example, in a rails initializer.


SecretStore uses Gibberish under the hood to AES encrypt secrets in a YAML file. Gibbersh currently has only stdlib and core ruby dependencies, so it makes this code easier to read without any extra requirements.


SecretStore code is not recommended for high security (ex: PCI compliance required) use. For your Todos webapp, it's fine!


This was inspired by the passw3rd gem.

Copyright (c) (2012) Brendon Murphy. See license.txt for details.