
TL;DR: Scintilla allows running one-time scripts in your Rails application, mimicking the behaviour of Rails migrations.

It relies on an ActiveRecord model (ScintillaScript) to keep track of already ran scripts (consider it the equivalent of the schema_migrations table).

It offers a rake task, scintilla:run, to run scripts. Integrating it with your deployment flow is up to you.


Generating a new Scintilla script

> rails g scintilla do_something_useful

This will create a timestamped file under db/scintilla, like 20200324_do_something_useful.rb. You will need to edit this file and fill the do_the_stuff method with the code you want to run.

Running Scintilla scripts

> rails scintilla:run

This will, in turn:

  • check the script files under db/scintilla;
  • for each of them, check if it has already been ran (a Scintilla::Script record is present on DB), and only require the ones that still need to be ran;
  • run the missing scintilla scripts, and create Scintilla::Script records on DB for each of them.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'scintilla'

And then execute:

$ rails scintilla:install:migrations
$ rails db:migrate


Feel free to open issues and PRs, fork the project as you want ;)


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.