= rules_view

To add the rules view to you application > script/rails generate rules_view:install

Then set the layout to use in the controller class MyCoolController < ApplicationController layout ‘rules_view’ …

To install and modify the rules_view layout > script/rails generate rules_view:layout [layout_name]

Then set the layout to use in the controller class MyCoolController < ApplicationController layout ‘[layout_name]’ …

########################################################## = form_styles

- re_build_form_field (value options) # options :class, :id, :disabled, :span - re_build_form_label (value options) # options :class, :id, :disabled, :span, :error, :required - re_build_form_data (value options) # options :class, :id, :disabled, :span, :error, :required, :hint, :text

########################################################## = form_builder

- re_form_for (record_or_name_or_array, *args, &proc) - re_fields_for (record_or_name_or_array, *args, &proc) - re_form_remote_for (record_or_name_or_array, *args, &proc) - re_remote_form_for (record_or_name_or_array, *args, &proc)

- text_field (name, value, *args) - password_field (name, value, *args) - file_field (name, value, *args) - text_area (name, value, *args) - select (name, value, *args) - date_select (name, value, *args) - datetime_select (name, value, *args) - time_select (name, value, *args) - time_zone_select (name, value, *args) - check_box (name, value = “1”, checked = false, options = {})

########################################################## = form_fields

- re_text_field (label, name, value, *args) - re_password_field (label, name, value, *args) - re_file_field (label, name, value, *args) - re_text_area (label, name, value, *args) - re_select (label, name, value, *args) - re_date_select (label, name, value, *args) - re_datetime_select (label, name, value, *args) - re_time_select (label, name, value, *args) - re_time_zone_select (label, name, value, *args) - re_check_box (label, name, value = “1”, checked = false, options = {}) - re_form_text (label, text = "", options = {}) - re_form_blank (options = {})

########################################################## = alert

- re_alert - re_alert_js

########################################################## = boxes

- re_whitebox(&block) - re_shadowbox(&block)

########################################################## = buttons

- re_button_submit(title, color, options ={})

- re_button_submit_gray(title, options = {}) - re_button_submit_blue(title, options = {}) - re_button_submit_green(title, options = {}) - re_button_submit_orange(title, options = {}) - re_button_submit_red(title, options = {})

- re_button_link(title, url, color, options = {})

- re_button_link_gray(title, url, options = {}) - re_button_link_blue(title, url, options = {}) - re_button_link_green(title, url, options = {}) - re_button_link_orange(title, url, options = {}) - re_button_link_red(title, url, options = {})

- re_add_link(title, id) - re_remove_link(title, object_name, id) - re_remove_field(object_name, id)

- re_button_add(url, options = {}) - re_button_remove(url, options = {}) - re_button_select(url, options = {}) - re_button_checked(url, options = {}) - re_button_unchecked(url, options = {})

########################################################## = navigate

- re_breadcrumbs (links) - re_breadcrumbs_right (links)

########################################################## = defer

- set_re_javascript_include (javascript_include_or_array) - set_re_breadcrumbs (links) - set_re_breadcrumbs_right (links)

== Note on Patches/Pull Requests

  • Fork the project.
  • Make your feature addition or bug fix.
  • Add tests for it. This is important so I don’t break it in a future version unintentionally.
  • Commit, do not mess with rakefile, version, or history. (if you want to have your own version, that is fine but bump version in a commit by itself I can ignore when I pull)
  • Send me a pull request. Bonus points for topic branches.

== Copyright

Copyright © 2010 Chris Douglas. See LICENSE for details.