Module: Rucas::Simplify

Defined in:


Simplification; this is still fairly primitive.

things that don’t simplify: Examples from PAIP 8.3: commutativity and associativity

{2 * x * x * 3}
{2 * x * 3 * y * 4 * z * 5 * 6}
{3 + x + 4 + x}
{2 * x * 3 * x * 4 * (1 / x) * 5 * 6}

Constant Summary collapse


Ordered hash of simplification rules.

The order of the rules is very important for avoiding unsoundness due to division by zero, for example.

Note that division by zero always results in a NaN. If it were possible to prove that x was strictly positive (negative), x / 0 should arguably evaluate to +Inf (-Inf), but this is substantially beyond what we can do at this point.

Rewrite.make_rules {
  var :w
  var :x
  var :y
  z = Symbolic::Expr.make(0)
  nan = Symbolic::Expr.make(0.0/0.0)

  # These rules are taken from Norvig's Paradigms of AI Programming
  # (chapter 8). The source for that book is freely available.
  rule( x + 0  => x   )
  rule( 0 + x  => x   )
  rule( x + x  => 2*x )
  rule( x - 0  => x   )
  rule( 0 - x  => -x  )
  rule( x - x  => 0   )
  rule( +x     => x   )
  rule( --x    => x   )
  rule( x * 1  => x   )
  rule( 1 * x  => x   )
  rule( x * 0  => 0   )
  rule( 0 * x  => 0   )
  rule( x * x  => x**2)
  rule( x / 0  => nan )
  rule( 0 / x  => 0   )
  rule( x / 1  => x   )
  rule( x / x  => 1   )
  rule( z ** 0 => 1   ) # note: Ruby says 0 ** 0 is 1; be consistent
  rule( x ** 0 => 1   )
  rule( 0 ** x => 0   )
  rule( 1 ** x => 1   )
  rule( x ** 1 => x   )
  rule( x ** -1     => 1 / x)
  rule( x * (y / x) => y    )
  rule( (y / x) * x => y    )
  rule( (y * x) / x => y    )
  rule( (x * y) / x => y    )
  rule( x + -x      => 0    )
  rule( -x + x      => 0    )
  rule( x + y - x   => y    )
  rule( x - y - x   => -y   )

  # These rules are helpful for "rebalancing" long trees, which can make
  # some of the rules above effective. This is because we don't actually
  # handle associativity properly. These rules do slow things down a bit,
  # but hopefully it doesn't break anything too badly.
  # Interestingly, Norvig's "infix->prefix" functions used right-
  # associative grouping, which made things go more smoothly. For example,
  # x^2 + x + x + 1 simplifies to x^2 + 2*x + 1 without the rebalancing
  # rule, if you group from the right (but the reverse doesn't simplify).
  rule( (w + x) + y => w + (x + y) )
  rule( (w * x) * y => w * (x * y) )