
This gem provides the Ruby's standard library's unicode_normalize that gives you access to the String's #unicode_normalize, #unicode_normalize! and #unicode_normalized? methods.


The 2.0 branch of rubysl-unicode_normalize targets Ruby 2.x, other Ruby versions are currently not supported.


  • Rubinius 2.10 or newer


By default rubysl-unicode_normalize is already installed when you install Rubinius. Currently updating rubysl-unicode_normalize requires re-installing Rubinius, in the future you can simply update rubysl-unicode_normalize by running gem update rubysl-unicode_normalize.


In general the contributing guidelines are the same as Rubinius (


All source code in this repository is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, version 2.0 unless stated otherwise. A copy of this license can be found the file "LICENSE" or at

The following files are taken from MRI and are thus licensed using the same license as MRI (a copy can be found in "MRI_LICENSE"):

  • lib/unicode_normalize/normalize.rb
  • lib/unicode_normalize/tables.rb
  • lib/unicode_normalize.rb