Ruby Murray - Ruby version of Perl’s Sub::Curry.

©2006 Ross Bamford

Originally for Ruby Quiz 64. License: see LICENSE. See Curry for documentation and the currybook for examples.

You can download Ruby Murray from the Project Homepage on Rubyforge.


As a Gem:

gem install rubymurray

Manual (site-ruby)

ruby setup.rb or

rake install


See currybook.rdoc for examples and ideas. See also the unit-tests included with the distribution.


0.1.0 - 2005/01/27 - First version (Ruby Quiz #64)
0.1.2 - 2005/02/02 - Changed call_spice behaviour when processing
                     leftover SpiceArgs, arg is now called with 
                     no remaining args.

                     Released on RubyForge.