Ruby Raider

Gem Version Rubocop

This is a gem to make setup and start of UI automation projects easier.

You can find more information and updates on releases in :

Just do:

gem install ruby_raider

then do:

raider new [name_of_project]

and you will have a new project in the folder you are in.

Currently we support:

  • Generating a framework with Cucumber and Selenium

  • Generating a framework with Rspec and Selenium

  • Generating a framework with Cucumber and Watir

  • Generating a framework with Rspec and Watir

  • Generating a framework with Rspec and Appium for IOS

  • Generating a framework with Cucumber and Appium for IOS

In order to run the Appium tests, download the example app.

This works in all the platforms (Tested on Mac OS, Linux and Windows).

Ruby raider provides the following list of commands

  raider browser [BROWSER]         # Sets the default browser for a project

  raider browser_options [OPTIONS]  # Sets the browser options for the project

  raider feature [FEATURE_NAME]    # Creates a new feature

  raider help [COMMAND]            # Describes available commands or one specific command

  raider helper [HELPER_NAME]      # Creates a new helper

  raider new [PROJECT_NAME]        # Creates a new framework based on settings picked

  raider page [PAGE_NAME]          # Creates a new page object

  raider path [PATH]               # Sets the default path for scaffolding

  raider raid                      # Runs all the tests in a project

  raider scaffold [SCAFFOLD_NAME]  # Generates everything needed to start automating

  raider spec [SPEC_NAME]          # Creates a new spec

  raider url [URL]                 # Sets the default url for a project

It's possible to add the option --path or -p if you want to specify where to create your features, pages, helpers and specs.

If you want to set the default path for the creation of your features, helpers and specs:

raider path [PATH_NAME] --feature or -f
raider path [PATH_NAME] --spec or -s
raider path [PATH_NAME] --helper or -h

If you don't specify an option, path will assume you want to change the default path for pages.