
An object-oriented pure Ruby implementation of a Prolog-like DSL for easy AI and logical programming. It should work under all popular Ruby interpreters. Please report compatibility problems.

The core engine is largely based on tiny_prolog, though numerous additional enhancements have been made such as object-oriented refactorings and integration of ideas from the interwebs. Unfortunately I cannot read Japanese and cannot give proper attribution to the original tiny_prolog author. (If you can, let me know and I'll update this document!)


Two runnable examples are included in the 'bin' directory. The first..

ruby-prolog-hanoi a ruby-prolog solution to the well-known "Towers of Hanoi" problem in computer science. The second..


..shows the ruby-prolog DSL can be trivially used to implement an access control system. If you have some other useful or clever examples, please contribute them!


  • Pure Ruby.
  • Tested with Ruby 2.0.0!
  • Object-oriented.
  • Multiple Prolog environments can be created and manipulated simultaneously.
  • Concurrent access to different core instances should be safe.
  • Concurrent access to a single core instance might probably explode in odd ways.


gem install ruby_prolog

See ruby_prolog_spec.rb for usage examples.


Released under the Apache 2 license.

Copyright (c) 2013 Preston Lee. All rights reserved.