Precompiles the HAML-JS templates into a function.

This can be used as a standalone template or as part of Rails 3.1 assets pipeline.

Installation - Rails 3.1

# Gemfile
gem 'ruby-haml-js'
# Then install it

Usage - with Rails 3.1 assets pipeline

  1. Put your template unders app/assets/javascripts (or other path where Rails can find it).
  2. Use the naming my-template.jst.hamljs.
  3. Serve the template to browser by require my-template from application.js or link to it as my-template.js
  4. Use the template from the JavaScript: JST['my-template']({your: 'local', variables: 'go here'})


Pull requests are very welcome! But please write the specs.

To start, clone the repo and then:

bundle install
bundle exec rspec spec/