
Rubolite is an interface to Gitolite (



gem "rubolite"

admin ="/Users/robertross/Sites/gitolite-admin")
client = admin.client
client.repos # Get a list of repos

repo ="newrepository")
user ="robert", "RW+")

repo.add_user user

client.add_repo repo


Wait what?

  • Rubolite requires that you tell it where your admin repository is on your box. It does not bootstrap this for you. Gitolite must be setup.
  • Once you have that, the Rubolite::Admin class returns a client object by calling admin.client. You do most of your calls on this interface.
  • To get a list of repos in the current config, call client.repos
  • To add a repository to your config, insantiate a Repo object with a name.
  • Repo objects take users which are instantiated with a name and permission level. Example: user ="robert", "RW+")
  • Then we add the user to the repo with Repo#add_user
  • Then we add the repo to the client with Client#add_repo

Calling save_and_push! does the following:

  • Writes the new configuration file.
  • Saves any SSH Keys you may have added (see below)
  • Commits the changes to the gitolite-admin repo
  • Pushes them to your origin remote.

If you really desire, you may call the methods individually. The methods are:

  • save! Writes the config.
  • save_ssh_keys! Writes SSH keys that may have been added.
  • commit! Commits the changes on gitolite-admin.
  • push! Pushes the repository to origin master.

Dealing with SSH Keys

SSH Keys are handled by the Rubolite::SSHKey object.

From a string

ssh_key = Rubolite::SSHKey.from_string("ssh-rsa awesomekeyprint robertross@local")

From a file

ssh_key = Rubolite::SSHKey.from_file("~/.ssh/")

Adding them to a gitolite-admin repo

Call add_ssh_key on your client with 2 parameters: username, and the ssh key object.

Your username must be the same name as the Rubolite::User name you add to repositories.

repo ="new-repo")
repo.add_user"robert", "RW+")
client.add_ssh_key "robert", ssh_key