RuboCop RBS

Gem Version

RucoCop extension that check RBS signatures.

DISCLAIMER: this extension is an ALPHA version, it could be not 100% stable

Check for:

  • invalid RBS files;
  • missing RBS method signatures;
  • mismatching RBS method signatures arguments.

Please ⭐ if you like it.

Know limitations: some IDEs don't update the RBS cops offenses in real-time when a change is applied because only the .rb files are actively monitored.


  • Add to Gemfile: gem 'rubocop-rbs', '~> 0.1.1' (and execute bundle);
  • Add to .rubocop.yml:
  - rubocop-rbs


  • Execute rubocop: bundle exec rubocop
  • To skip the cop from some files:
    - main.rb


  • Rbs/MethodSignature: signature error: one or more signature errors in a RBS file:
main.rb:7:3: C: Rbs/MethodSignature: signature error, sig/main.rbs:1:0...1:3: Syntax error: cannot start a declaration, token=def (kDEF)
  def test_required_positionals(key1, key2); end
  • Rbs/MethodSignature: missing signature: method signature not found in the RBS files:
main.rb:7:3: C: Rbs/MethodSignature: missing signature
  def test_required_positionals(key1, key2); end
  • Rbs/MethodSignature: signature mismatch: method signature has different arguments from the one defined in the RBS files:
main.rb:7:3: C: Rbs/MethodSignature: signature mismatch, expected: (untyped, untyped, untyped) -> void
  def test_required_positionals(key1, key2); end

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The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.