
A set of cops for detecting strings that need i18n decoration in your project.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'rubocop-i18n'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install rubocop-i18n


In your rubocop.yml:

 - rubocop-i18n
  Enabled: false
  Enabled: true
  Enabled: true
  Enabled: true



This cop looks for any raise or fail functions and checks that the user visible message is using gettext decoration with the _() function. This cop makes sure the message is decorated, as well as checking that the formatting of the message is compliant according to the follow rules. This cop supports autocorrecting of Simple decoration of a message. See the rubocop documentation on how to run autocorrect.

Simple decoration of a message

Simple message strings should be decorated with the _() function

Error message thrown
'raise' function, message string should be decorated

Multi-line message

The message should not span multiple lines, it causes issues during the translation process.

Error message thrown
'raise' function, message should not be a multi-line string
raise("this is a multi" \
"line message")
raise(_("this is a multi line message"))

Concatenated message

The message should not concatenate multiple strings, it causes issues during translation and with the gettext.

Error message thrown
'raise' function, message should not be a concatenated string
raise("this is a concatenated" + "message")
raise(_("this is a concatenated message"))

Interpolated message

The message should be formated in this particular style. Otherwise it causes issues during translation and with the gettext gem.

Error message thrown
'raise' function, message should use correctly formatted interpolation
raise("this is an interpolated message IE #{variable}")
raise(_("this is an interpolated message IE %{value0}") % {value0: var,})

No decoration and no string detected

The raise or fail function does not contain any decoration, or a simple string

Error message thrown
'raise' function, message should be decorated
raise(someOtherFuntioncall(foo, "bar"))

In this raise or fail function, the message does not contain any decoration at all and the message is not a simple string. It may make sense to convert the message to a simple string. eg Simple decoration of a message. Or ignore this raise or fail function following this How to ignore rules in code section.


This cop looks for decorated gettext methods _() and checks that all strings contained within do not use string interpolation '#{}'

Simple decoration of a message

Simple message strings should be decorated with the _() function

Error message thrown
'_' function, message string should not contain #{} formatting
puts _("a message with a #{'interpolation'}")
puts _("a message that is %{type}") % { type: 'translatable' }


This cop looks for decorated gettext methods _() and checks that all strings contained within do not use sprintf formatting '%s' etc

Error message thrown
'_' function, message string should not contain sprintf style formatting (ie %s)
raise(_("Warning is %s") % ['bad'])
raise(_("Warning is %{value}") % { value: 'bad' })

How to ignore rules in code

It may be necessary to ignore a cop for a particular piece of code. We follow standard rubocop idioms.

raise("We don't want this translated")  # rubocop:disable GetText/DecorateFunctionMessage
raise(_("We don't want this translated #{crazy}")  # rubocop:disable GetText/DecorateStringFormattingUsingInterpolation)
raise(_("We don't want this translated %s") % ['crazy'] # rubocop:disable GetText/DecorateStringFormattingUsingPercent)

Known Issues

Rubocop currently does not detect Heredoc style messages in functions correctly, which in turn prevents this plugin from detecting them correctly. Not all sprintf formatting strings are detected.


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that allows you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which creates a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.