
Yamaha router (RTX or NVR series etc.) provisioning tool.


$ gem install rtprov


rtprov requires following commands. Please install these.

  • colordiff (or diff)
  • lftp
  • ssh
  • which


  • Enable SSH and SFTP access.
  • Create user and allow SSH access and administration.

And you must know following passwords.

  • User password
  • Administrator password
  • Anonymous user password


rtprov new

rtprov new creates directory and some files. Please run other commands in created directory.

It creates ./encryption_key to encrypt router configurations. .gitignore ignores this. Please store it securely.

$ rtprov new my_office

rtprov edit

rtprov edit creates or edits router configuration file in ./routers directory. It is encrypted by ./encryption_key file. rtprov launches ENV["RTPROV_EDITOR"] or ENV["EDITOR"] to edit file.

# Launch editor and create/update routers/my_router.yml.enc
$ rtprov edit my_router

rtprov show

rtprov show print router configuration to stdout.

# Prints decrypted routers/my_router.yml.enc
$ rtprov show my_router

rtprov get

rtprov get gets config file from router and print to stdout. If -n, --number option is not specified, it gets config0.

# Get config0 from my_router and print to stdout
$ rtprov get my_router
# Get config1 from my_router and print to stdout
$ rtprov get --number 1 my_router

rtprov put

rtprov put puts config file to router and load it. Second argument is template name. If you create templates/my_config.erb, template name is my_config. If -n, --number option is not specified, it gets config0.

It prints diff before transfer and ask you. rtprov uses ENV["RTPROV_DIFF"] or colordiff or diff to print diff.

# Rendering templates/my_config.erb and put to my_route as config0 and load it.
$ rtprov put my_router my_config
# Rendering templates/my_config.erb and put to my_route as config1 and load it.
$ rtprov put my_router --number 1 my_config

Templates are ERB file. In template, define variables described in router file. For example, in router file,

      - baz: foobar

in template,

<%= foo.bar[0].baz >

you can get “foobar”.


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to rubygems.org.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/labocho/rtprov.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.