
Homepage: Github Author: Thor Johnson Copyright: ©2011 Central Cortex

The rtextile gem creates a Rails 3 textile editor, enabling your users to add safe, rich text markup to your website.

Rtextile uses the RedCloth gem and a gemified version of the textile_editor_helper plugin. It contains two generators, rtextile and textile_editor_helper that create all the files you need to get up and running quickly and easily.

rtextile generator:

Generates scaffold. Files created: migration, controller, model, view templates and routes.


The generator takes three arguments, name(model), the objects title and the object itself.

Example: rails generate rtextile document title post This will generate a migration for model(document) with title(string) and post(text), controller, model, view templates and routes. After running the generator, run your migration and run the textile_editor_helper generator:

textile_editor_helper generator:

The textile_editor_helper generator is a gemified version of the plugin by the same name. Credit goes to the original authors: Dave Olsen (Javascript) and Chris Scharf (Ruby/Rails) of West Virginia University Web Services (http://webservices.wvu.edu/) and to ryanfelton (https://github.com/ryanfelton/textile-editor-helper) for making the plugin rails 3 compatable.

Notice: The textile_editor_helper requires prototype. If you prefer to use jquery, edit the initialization line in the form partial to:

<%= textile_editor_initialize(:framework => :jQuery) %>

Example: rails generate textile_editor_helper This will create: Javascripts, css and image files.


redcloth.org textile_editor_helper textile_editor_helper more info on textile