Table of Contents


The scope of this gem is to install the specified rsync command into the crontab schedule.


Install the gem from your shell:

gem install rsync_cron


Be aware that this library will write to the crontab file in a destructive way.
Do remember to take a backup before installing a new crontab.


The gem comes with a CLI interface, you can print its help by:

rsync_cron -h
Usage: rsync_cron --cron='15,30 21' --src=/ --dest=/tmp --log=/var/log/rsync.log --opts=noatime,temp-dir='./temp'
    -c, --cron=CRON                  The cron string, i.e.: '15 21 * * *'
    -s, --src=SRC                    The rsync source, i.e. [email protected]:files
    -d, --dest=DEST                  The rsync dest, i.e. [email protected]:home/
    -l, --log=LOG                    Log command output to specified file
    -o, --opts=OPTS                  Merge specified extra options, when supported
    -p, --print                      Print crontab command without installing it
    -k, --check                      Check src and dest before installing crontab
    -h, --help                       Prints this help

Default schedule

The crontab is scheduled one per day by default (at midnight).
You can specify a different schedule directly on the command line:

# run every sunday
rsync_cron --cron='* * * * 0' [email protected]:files --dest=~/tmp