RR (Double Ruby) is a double framework that features a rich selection of double techniques and a terse syntax. xunitpatterns.com/Test%20Double.html

Currently RR implements mocks, stubs, and probes. It is a goal of RR to support a wide range of double techniques and patterns.



view = controller.template
mock(view).render(:partial => "user_info") {"Information"}



jane = User.new
stub(User).find('42') {jane}
mock(jane).valid? {true}


Add verifications that a method was called while actually calling it. The following example verifies render partial will be called and renders the partial.

view = controller.template
probe(view).render(:partial => "user_info")

Probes also support after_call callbacks. This is useful for Stubbing out a class method and getting its return value. For example, using ActiveRecord:

probe(User).find('5') do |user|
  mock(user).valid? {false}

Block Syntax

script = MyScript.new
mock(script) do |m|
  m.system("cd #{RAILS_ENV}") {true}
  m.system("rake foo:bar") {true}
  m.system("rake baz") {true}

Terse Syntax

One of the goals of RR is to make doubles more scannable. This is accomplished by removing words from a double declaration. Here is RR compared to other mock frameworks:

flexmock(User).should_receive(:find).with('42').and_return(jane) # Flexmock
User.should_receive(:find).with('42').and_return(jane) # Rspec
User.expects(:find).with('42').returns {jane} # Mocha
mock(User).find('42') {jane} # RR

Special Thanks To

With any development effort, there are countless people who have contributed to making it possible. We all are standing on the shoulders of giants.

  • Pivotal Labs for sponsoring RR development

  • Parker Thompson for pairing with me

  • Felix Morio for pairing with me

  • David Chelimsky for encouragement to make the RR framework, for developing the Rspec mock framework, and syntax ideas

  • Gerald Meszaros for his excellent book “xUnit Test Patterns”

  • Dan North for syntax ideas

  • Jim Weirich for developing Flexmock, the first Terse ruby mock framework

  • James Mead for developing Mocha

  • Aslak Hellesoy for Developing Rspec

  • Stephen Baker for Developing Rspec

  • Dave Astels for some BDD inspiration