Render QR codes easily from your Rails application

This gem supports rendering either SVG or PNG, JPEG, and GIF formats.


Add the following to your Gemfile.

gem 'rqrcode_renderer'

If you want to use the PNG, JPEG or GIF format, you will have to have ImageMagick installed on your system. You will also want to add the mini_magick gem to your application's Gemfile.

gem 'mini_magick'


In your controller actions, you could return a QR code that links to the current page like this:

respond_to do |format|
  format.svg  { render qrcode: '', offset: 10, color: 'FF0000' }
  format.png  { render qrcode: '' }
  format.gif  { render qrcode: '' }
  format.jpeg { render qrcode: '' }


  • size – This controls how big the QR Code will be. Smallest size will be chosen by default. Set to maintain consistent size.
  • level – The error correction level, can be:
    • Level l 7% of code can be restored
    • Level m 15% of code can be restored
    • Level q 25% of code can be restored
    • Level h 30% of code can be restored (default :h)
  • offset – Padding around the QR Code (e.g. 10)
  • color – Foreground color for the code (e.g. "000000" or :black)


This project was inspired by rqrcode-rails3 that is no longer maintained.

QR codes are encoded by rqrcode