
This is a command line tool and suite of rake tasks for uploading SSRS reports to a server. The tool can also generate project files for the “SQL Server Business Intelligence Development Studio”.


The extension is packaged as a jruby gem named “rptman”, consult the ruby gems installation steps but typically it is

jgem install rptman

Basic Overview

Reports are stored in sub-directories of a <report-dir>. The filename of the report must end with “.rdl”. The directory hierarchy on the local file system is mirrored on the SSRS server during an upload. So if a file exists with the name

<report-dir>/IRIS/Coordination/Tour Of Duty Report.rdl

It will be uploaded to the SSRS server with the path

/IRIS/Coordination/Tour Of Duty Report

Every top level directory on the local filesystem that includes a report file is deleted when it during the upload process. So in the above scenario the /IRIS directory on SSRS server is delted prior to uploading the directory. It is assumed that every report in a particular hierarhcy is stored in one location.

The tool can also create data source definitions and these are placed in a directory named “/DataSources”.

The gem supports prefixing all paths with when uploading to the SSRS server. It is possible to prefix all reports managed by this tool with /Auto so as to distinguish them from reports uploaded through other means. If multiple people are working of the same SSRS instance it is also possible to decorate the prefix with a username or environment. (i.e. /Auto/PD42/DEV)

The configuration data for determing which SSRS instance and prefix to use is in a yaml file with a format described below. The easiest way to use the tool is to create a ruby script such as the following;

gem 'rptman'

# The configuration file
SSRS::Config.config_filename = "database.yml"

# The directory in which the reports are stored
SSRS::Config.reports_dir = "reports"

# Define a data source named IRIS_CENTRAL that has
# configration data stored under the key 'central'

# actually run the tool

The script can then be run with a -h parameter to see the various options.

Configuration Format

The configuration is stored in a yaml file. The configuration file format allows for multiple “environments” (a.k.a. configuration) in one file. Most configuration files will have “development” and “production” envioronments. There must be one section for each SQL Server or SSRS instance. Each section is named “<key>_<environment>” where the key for SSRS servers is “ssrs”. The key for SQL Server instances must correspond to the key specified in the invocation of “SSRS::Config.define_datasource(<name>,<key>)” above.

The SSRS server must specify the report_target and prefix keys. The SQL Server instances must specify the database and host keys and may optionally specify the username, password and isntance keys. If username and password are not specified then integrated security is used.

Here is an example configuration file:

  report_target: http://ssrs-dev.example.com/SSRS01_WS
  prefix: /Auto/PD42/DEV

  database: PD42_IRIS_CENTRAL_DEV
  username: MyUsername
  password: MyPassword
  host: sqlserver-dev.example.com
  instance: myinstance

  report_target: http://ssrs.example.com/SSRS01_WS
  prefix: /Auto

  database: IRIS_CENTRAL
  username: MyUsername
  password: MyPassword
  host: sqlserver.example.com
  instance: myinstance


The gem was initially developed as by StockSoftware for use in the Department of Sustainability and Environment, Victoria, Australia.