
Build Status


gem install rosette-client


Configure it! Create the file ~/.rosette/config.yml with configuration options for your Rosette setup:

:port: 8080
:version: v1

You should now be able to change directory into a git repository and run rosette commands. If you installed Ruby with rbenv, don't forget to run rbenv rehash to make rosette-client's executable available.


git rosette commit [<ref>]

Causes the given ref to be processed. If ref is omitted, the current HEAD is assumed. Phrases will be extracted and stored in the data store.

git rosette diff <ref1> [<ref2> | <path>] [-- <path1> <path2> ...]

Show the diff between two refs. If the second ref is omitted, the current HEAD is assumed. You can separate paths from ref arguments with -- for consistency with the git diff command. This command will print phrases that were added, removed, or changed between the two refs.

git rosette show [<ref>]

Print the phrases that were added, removed, or changed in the given ref. If the ref is omitted, the current HEAD is assumed.

git rosette status [<ref>]

Print the translation status of the given ref. This includes how many phrases were found and the percentage translated in each supported locale. If ref is omitted, the current HEAD is assumed.

git rosette snapshot [<ref>]

Print a snapshot of the phrases for the given ref. If ref is omitted, the current HEAD is assumed.

git rosette repo_snapshot [<ref>]

Print the snapshot hash for the given ref. A snapshot is a hash of file paths to commit ids, where each commit id represents the commit the file last changed in. If ref is omitted, the current HEAD is assumed.


You've gotta be running a properly configured instance of rosette-server to communicate with, but otherwise there are no external requirements.

Running Tests

bundle exec rake should do the trick.
