Buy Me a Coffee


This is a library for writing to ODF output from Ruby. It mainly focuses creating ODS spreadsheets.

As well as writing ODS spreadsheets, this library also can write ODT text documents but it is undocumented and will require knowledge of the ODF spec. It currently does not support ODP Slide shows.

This is NOT an ODF reading library.

v1.0.0 Breaking Changes

The main module ODF has changed to RODF

require 'odf/spreadsheet' must be changed to require 'rodf'


“em install rodf

How do I use it?

rODF works pretty much like Builder, but with ODF-aware constructs. Try this:

“by require ‘rodf’

RODF::Spreadsheet.file(“my-spreadsheet.ods”) do table ‘My first table from Ruby’ do row do cell ‘Hello, rODF world!’ end end end

Styling and formatting is also possible:

“by require ‘rodf’

RODF::Spreadsheet.file(“my-spreadsheet.ods”) do style ‘red-cell’, family: :cell do property :text, ‘font-weight’ => ‘bold’, ‘color’ => ‘#ff0000’ end

table ‘Red text table’ do row do cell ‘Red’, style: ‘red-cell’ end end end

Conditional formatting is also possible:

“by require ‘rodf’

RODF::Spreadsheet.file(“my-spreadsheet.ods”) do

office_style ‘red-cell’, family: :cell do property :text, ‘font-weight’ => ‘bold’, ‘color’ => ‘#ff0000’ end

office_style ‘green-cell’, family: :cell do property :text, ‘font-weight’ => ‘bold’, ‘color’ => ‘#00ff00’ end

# conditional formating must be defined as style and the value of # apply-style-name must be an office_style style ‘cond1’, family: :cell do property :conditional, ‘condition’ => ‘cell-content()

Maruku could not parse this XML/HTML: 
<0', 'apply-style-name' => 'red-cell'

property :conditional, 'condition' => 'cell-content()>0', 'apply-style-name' => 'green-cell'


table ‘Red text table’ do row do cell ‘Red force’, style: ‘red-cell’ end row do cell ‘-4’, type: :float, style: ‘cond1’ end row do cell ‘0’, type: :float, style: ‘cond1’ end row do cell ‘5’, type: :float, style: ‘cond1’ end end end

Procedural style

The declarative style shown above is just syntatic sugar. A more procedural style can also be used. Like so:

“by require ‘rodf’

ss = t = ss.table ‘My first table from Ruby’ r = t.row c = r.cell ‘Hello, rODF world!’

two methods to write to file

ss.write_to ‘my-spreadsheet.ods’


File.write(‘my-spreadsheet.ods’) do |f| f.write ss.bytes # you can send your data in Rails over HTTP using the bytes method end

Both styles can be mixed and matched at will:

“by require ‘rodf’

ss = ss.table ‘My first table from Ruby’ do row do cell ‘Hello, rODF world!’ end end

ss.write_to ‘my-spreadsheet.ods’

Style List

“by property :text, ‘font-weight’ => :bold, #options are :bold, :thin ‘font-size’ => 12, ‘font-name’ => ‘Arial’, ‘font-style’ => ‘italic’, ‘text-underline-style’ => ‘solid’, # solid, dashed, dotted, double ‘text-underline-type’ => ‘single’, ‘text-line-through-style’ => ‘solid’, align: true, color: “#000000”

property :cell, ‘background-color’ => “#DDDDDD”, ‘wrap-option’ => ‘wrap’, ‘vertical_align’ => ‘automatic’, ‘border-top’ => ‘0.75pt solid #999999’, ‘border-bottom’ => ‘0.75pt solid #999999’, ‘border-left’ => ‘0.75pt solid #999999’, ‘border-right’ => ‘0.75pt solid #999999’,

property :column, ‘column-width’ => ‘4.0cm’

property :row, ‘row-height’ => ‘18pt’, ‘use-optimal-row-height’ => ‘true’

property :table, ‘writing-mode’ => ‘lr-tb’,


Created by @thiagoarrais

Currently maintained by @westonganger to support simplified ODS spreadsheet making in the spreadsheet_architect gem

Buy Me a Coffee