

In this example, I have one character printed on one spritesheet with only one line of evenly spaced/sized sprites.

Here it is:

Example Spritesheet

sprite = Sprite.new do
  filename 'foo/bar/character_spritesheet.png'

  # The default action that the Sprite will use
  default_action :standing

  # These options will be reverse-merged into each frame
  default_frame_options width: 16, height: 25, y: 0

  standing do
    frame x: 16 * 1 # Frame 1
    # x: 0, y: 0 is the top-left corner..
    # I'm lazy, so I'm just taking the default_frame_options width and multiplying it by the 
    # frame index to calculate the x coordinate.

  walking do
    frame x: 16 * 0 # Frame 1
    frame x: 16 * 1 # Frame 2
    frame x: 16 * 2 # Frame 3
    frame x: 16 * 1 # Frame 4

  running do
    frame x: 16 * 3 # Frame 1
    frame x: 16 * 4 # Frame 2
    frame x: 16 * 5 # Frame 3
    frame x: 16 * 4 # Frame 4

# Standing only has one frame so next_image will loop over the same frame
p sprite.next_image # => Second Image (Magick::Image) same as: sprite.next_frame.image
p sprite.next_image # => Second Image

sprite.action = :walking

# Here, we loop through the walking animation.. pump these images right into Gosu or your favorite gaming library
p sprite.next_image # => First Image
p sprite.next_image # => Second Image
p sprite.next_image # => Third Image
p sprite.next_image # => Second Image
p sprite.next_image # => First Image

# Save each action's frame as a separate image
sprite.actions.each do |action_name, action|
  action.frames.each_with_index do |frame, index|
    frame.image.write "foo/bar/#{action_name}_#{index}.png"

# Saving an action as a gif (note: looks wonky with transparent backgrounds)
sprite.actions[:running].write 'foo/bar/running.gif'